Our Best So You Can Rest

Facial Plastic Surgery

Different types of facial plastic surgery

Eye lid surgery-Blepharoplasty

Our eyes are often the first thing that people notice about us. Beauty and youth are often associated with well positioned, smooth, bright and friendly eyes.  As we age, the delicate skin around our eyes can sag and show puffiness, wrinkles and sun damage.  Our eyes appear tired, and the eyelid skin can become loose and heavy.  During facial plastic surgery, an incision is made along the fold of the upper eyelid, excess skin, muscle and fat is removed or redistributed.  The incision is then closed.  On the lower lid, the surgeon makes an incision just below the lashes in your eye's natural crease or inside the lower lid. The excess fat, muscle and sagging skin is removed or redistributed and the incision is closed.

Post Care:

When anesthesia wears off , your vision will be blurry and your eyes may feel tight, swollen and be covered in gauze for a few days.  It is vitally important in the first 24-48 hours to limit activity and rest as much as possible with your head elevated while sleeping.  We will remind you to try not to turn your head too much to either side and sleep on your back in a semi propped up position.  We will help administer eye drops, manage discomfort and help prepare cold compresses as directed by your surgeon. The eyes are such delicate areas that need to be treated with care to ensure they heal perfectly.  It can be a scary and tricky time.  Let us help take care of you so can rest and your eyes can look their best


Your nose is in the center of your face and has a large impact on your facial symmetry and overall profile. A nose job (rhinoplasty) is surgery on the nose to improve aesthetic appearance, such as narrowing the width, reshaping the cartilage, or reducing the overall size. It can also be done to improve function (correct breathing problems), or to fix structural issues from trauma or birth defects. During surgery the surgeon can change the shape of your nasal bones or cartilage in several ways, depending on how much needs to be removed or added to your nose structure. For small changes, the surgeon may use cartilage taken from deeper inside your nose or from your ear. For larger changes, the surgeon can use cartilage from your rib, implants or bone from other parts of your body. After these changes are made, the surgeon places the skin and tissue back and stitches the incisions in your nose.

Post Care:

After surgery, there may be a plastic or metal splint on your nose that may stay in place for up to a week. They may also place nasal packs or splints inside your nostrils to stabilize your septum (the part of your nose between your nostrils).  It is important for us to take as many precautions as we can to help reduce your swelling. Overactivity tends to worsen the swelling, so our goal is to help you rest and take it easy. It is common for people to be forgetful after surgery so we will remind you to keep your head elevated above your heart as much as possible to reduce the bleeding and swelling, We have seen memory lapses, impaired judgment, and slow reaction time as common after effects from the medications used during surgery. We will keep a close eye out for you and remind you to stay in position while sleeping.

Your nose will most likely be swollen and might be packed with cotton which leaves you feeling congested. You might also have absorbable sutures, meaning they’ll dissolve and won’t require removal. If the sutures aren’t absorbable, your surgeon may want to see you again to have them taken out.

It is also common to experience drainage and bleeding after surgery. We will help manage the drip pad (a piece of gauze taped below your nose, to absorb blood and mucus). We will follow your doctor's instructions for the drip pads in addition to how to manage your pain, puffiness and headaches that you might experience after surgery.

We will also help you:

  • Avoid any excessive activities
  • Blow your nose gently if needed
  • Prepare proper foods to limit excessive chewing
  • Avoid extreme laughing, smiling, or other facial expressions that cause strain on your healing tissues
  • Pull clothing over your head
  • Gently brush your teeth
  • Update loved ones inquiring about your progress while you rest

Rhinoplasty can also affect the area around your eyes.  You might have temporary numbness, swelling, or discoloration around your eyelids for a few days that we can help manage by gently applying cold compresses or ice packs as directed by your surgeon. Rhinoplasty is a common procedure but is delicate in it's healing process. We will help bridge the gap between surgery and your ideal recovery

Facelift/Brow lift

As the years pass, you may start to notice signs of aging on your face such as wrinkles, fine lines, and loose skin. A facelift (rhytidectomy) is a skin tightening surgery that addresses sagging skin by tightening the face muscles and tissues. Excess is removed and the skin is lifted, repositioned and tightened.  A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift is a cosmetic procedure in which the skin and tissue of the forehead is raised to smooth and improve the appearance of the face.

During a facelift or brow lift, a flap of skin on each side of the face is pulled back, and the connective tissue below the skin is surgically redistributed and tightened to reveal a more youthful shape.  

Post Care:

After surgery your doctor may leave a temporary drain in place.  Your incisions might have skin glue or absorbable sutures, meaning they’ll dissolve and won’t require removal.  If the sutures aren’t absorbable, your surgeon may want to see you again to have them taken out. With surgery, also comes swelling.  Overactivity tends to worsen the swelling, so our goal is to help you rest and take it easy.  It is also common for people to be forgetful after surgery so we will  remind you to keep your head elevated above your heart as much as possible to reduce the bleeding and swelling,  In addition, we have seen memory lapses, impaired judgment, and slowed reaction time as common after effects from the medications used during surgery.  We will keep a close eye out for these additional things and alert your doctor if anything out of the ordinary appears.

Your face will be swollen and it is also common to experience drainage and bleeding after surgery.  We will help manage the drainage tube, bleeding and dressings.  We will follow your doctor's instructions on how to manage your pain, puffiness and headaches that you might be experiencing.   

After your facelift or brow lift, we will help you manage:

  • Drainage from the incisions
  • Swelling and bruising
  • Headaches
  • Resting with your head elevated
  • Cool ice packs to help ease pain and reduce swelling
  • Taking pain medications as directed by your surgeon to help with your mild to moderate pain

We will contact your doctor immediately if you have:

  • Severe pain on one side of your face or neck within 24 hours of surgery
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Irregular heartbeats

We will also help you:  

  • Avoid any excessive activities
  • Prepare proper foods to limit excessive chewing
  • Avoid extreme laughing, smiling, or other facial expressions that cause strain on your healing tissues
  • Pull clothing over your head
  • Gently brush your teeth
  • Update loved ones inquiring about your progress while you rest .

This surgery can help bring a positive renewed focus on your face.  The immediate recovery process is vital to a positive outcome.  We will be there for you to help your rest and get ready to step out putting your best face forward.

Fat Transfer

Over time, aging and environmental factors can result in lost volume, reduced definition and a sunken appearance. A facial fat transfer (also known as fat grafting, fat injections, or lipofilling), can restore a more youthful look, smooth fine lines and wrinkles and improve overall contour.  

Fat transfer is a surgical procedure that uses your own body fat from your hips, thighs, or stomach to add or restore volume to your face. It’s can be used to restore sunken cheeks and hollow looking eyes, plump thin lips, and smooth deep nasolabial folds and marionette lines.  

Post Care:

The main issue with fat transfer surgery is swelling.  Even minimal transfer under the eye area can create a somewhat distorted look.  There will be swelling and bruising after surgery, both in the face and in the area from where the fat was harvested.    We will follow your doctor's instructions on how to manage your swelling, puffiness and bruising that you might be experiencing.  

After your fat transfer surgery, we will help you:

  • Use ice packs liberally in the areas of the face where fat was transplanted to minimize bruising and swelling
  • Use ice packs to the body area from where the fat was harvested
  • Take your pain medication as directed by your surgeon
  • Keep your head elevated to help reduce swelling and pain
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Avoid any excessive activities
  • Prepare proper foods to limit excessive chewing
  • Avoid extreme laughing, smiling, or other facial expressions that cause strain on your healing tissues
  • Pull clothing over your head
  • Gently brush your teeth
  • Update loved ones inquiring about your progress while you rest

This surgery can enable you to look more alert and refreshed .  We take care of the details around you so can feel more alert and refreshed.

In addition to managing your recovery care, we can provide the following:

  • 24 hour dedicated, one-on-one concierge services assist you with your post-op recovery
  • Transportation from the surgery center to your recovery location
  • Transportation for your post-operation appointments and follow-up visits
  • Continuation of discharge orders
  • Transportation to your home and your appointments
  • Prescription drop off and pickup
  • Medication assistance
  • Monitoring and assistance with activity, sleep, and personal hygiene
  • Physical and emotional support
  • Direct communication with your surgeon with updates on your recovery as needed
  • Personal care assistance
  • Bathing assistance
  • Transferring assistance
  • Drainage tube assistance
  • Light housekeeping
  • Grocery shopping, and other errands
  • Meal preparation
  • Discreet service
  • Genuine compassion